Sunday, February 20, 2011

Post-Winter Conference Syndrome

Here are the symptoms I'm feeling due to Post-Winter Conference: exhaustion, a headache, stress due to the homework I didn't do ( maybe I brought that one onto myself...) and a happy heart. I'm excited about sleeping in my own bed, with my own fluffy two pillows, and the ability to not live out of a bag or use the same jacket three days in a row. But what I'll miss is the feeling of over-coming a fear of heights to view a valley full of beauty and terror. Or sitting on a rock next to a massive waterfall and hearing and feeling the effects once the water touches the rocks beneath it. God's glory was all around me this weekend, from the words I sang to the games I played.

Picture this: 12-15 college kids, in a circle striking ninja positions. Or, that same group of kids playing a game with hand signs and an invisible ball. This is glorifying God. His children, working together, and having fun. Now picture this: 300 people stuffed into a small room, crowd surfing, loud music, the smell of "people" all around you, and depending on how short you are, having an armpit shoved into your face. This, as gross as it is, is glorifying God. Lastly, picture this: Auburn students mixed in with Alabama students, Vanderbilt and Tennessee, Carson-Newmon and Birmingham Southern standing and singing "O Love that will not let me go, I rest my weary soul in thee. I give thee back the life I owe, that in thine ocean depths it's flow, may richer fuller be." Or "Guide me Oh, thou Great Jehovah pilgrim through this barren land. I am weak, but thou art mighty. Hold me with thy powerful hand. Bread of Heaven, feed me now and ever more. Bread of Heaven, feed me now and ever more." It's truly inspiring to see that so many young people putting aside their messy lives to worship to one true Lord.

We learned over the weekend about community, and how to make our own RUF more like what Jesus most believed in. I learned that Jesus was all about community, connections, and being with people. And that God has created all of us to be social people. We have to be with people specifically, friends who love us despite obvious sin in our lives, for true community to happen. We also have to be bold and love and forgive those who are different from us. "There must be forgiveness for unity." "I need to lean into the things or the people who scare me the most." " The body of Christ has 1 head, and many needy body parts." We can sit and talk theology all we want, but if we don't love those who are different, then how different are we?

I think I'll get over the physical symptoms of Post-Winter Conference. My stress levels will eventually even out, and I'll do what I have to do to continue with my grades and my sleep hours. But the spiritual lessons, the memories of walking down a mountain, and feeling the happiness in my heart while laughing with my friends won't be leaving anytime soon. In fact, I think these are pretty permanent.

"There is one body and one Spirit- just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call- one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all, and through all and in all." - Ephesians 4:4-6

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