Thursday, November 18, 2010

Princes and Princesses

There was once a little girl, who longed for a prince. She knew her fairy-tale stories by heart, and was sure that one day, her prince would find her. She knew he would be perfect in every way. He would be taller than her, with thick hair and gleaming eyes. He would be strong enough to scoop her into his arms, and walk her to the most perfect horse ever. And after that, well, who knew. But she was sure that it would be perfect. One day, this little girl grew up, and went to college. She soon realized that her fairy-tale was never going to happen. She knew this because as soon as she went to her first class, some boy let the door slam in her face. And later, after she tripped over a rock in the street, boys walked around her, like she had a disease. This little girl, who longed so desperately for her prince, soon gave up on every finding someone for her. And as soon as she gave up the idea of perfection, she met someone.

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